The Graduate School Life Sciences and Health (GS LSH) is organizing its 6th scientific day entitled “Exploring the brain” on Friday 2 February 2024 at the NeuroPSI Institute and by video conference.

This meeting will be on-site and remote from 9 am to 6 pm and will begin with the keynote talk of Michela Matteoli (Humanitas University, Milan). During this day, the interdisciplinary object BrainViews will be also presented to the GS LSH community.

The GS LSH invites young researchers to present their research work in a poster.

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Provisional programme

8h30 Welcoming participants & Installation of Posters

9h00 Session 1: Neurodevelopment

9h00 Michela Matteoli (Humanitas University)
How the immune system shapes synapse function

10h00 Sylvie Rétaux (NeuroPSI)
Developmental evolution of the eye in blind cavefish

10h30 Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz (Neurospin)
Are human infants aware of their environment, and how can this be assessed?

11h00 Coffee break & Posters

11h30 Session 2: From perception to action

11h30 Guy Bouvier (NeuroPSI)
Correcting for self: The impact of head motion on primary visual cortex activity

12h00 Aurelie Goyenvalle (END-ICAP)
Investigating the impact of dystrophin restoration in the central nervous system of dystrophic mouse models

12h30 OI Brain Views presentation

12h45 Lunch break & Posters

14h00 Session 2: From perception to action

14h00 Elisabeth Traiffort (DHNS-U1195 Inserm-Université Paris-Saclay)
Male hormones and multiple sclerosis in females

14h30 Sylvie Rabot (MICALIS)
The microbiota-gut-brain axis in emotional behaviors: effects of microbial indole

15h00 Session 3: Cognition & Behavior

15h00 Claire Eschbach (NeuroPSI)
Studying a larval circuit for adaptive memory formation

15h30 Jean-Philippe GUILLOUX (CESP, MOODS Team, INSERM UMR 1018)
Role of MAO-A in emotionality and treatment response: preclinical and clinical perspectives

16h00 Coffee break & Posters

16h30 Session 3: Cognition & Behavior

16h30 Christophe Pallier (UNICOG)
Cerebral bases of language comprehension

Session 4: Neurodegeneration

17h00 Carole Escartin (LMN & NeuroPSI)
Multiple roles for astrocytes in neurodegenerative diseases

17h30 Michel Bottlander (BioMaps & Neurospin)
Contribution of in vivo PET imaging in Alzheimer’s disease

18h00 Conclusion & Poster awards