Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs

Discover the University of Paris-Saclay, its campus, its resources for research and its offer.


Neuroscience covers a wide range of topics:

  • development and evolution of the nervous system
  • neuronal physiology
  • modelling and numerical simulation of neural networks
  • animal behaviour or mechanisms of cognition
  • brain-machine interface
  • human neuropathies…


You are interested in Neuroscience? Chose elective courses in Life Science Bachelor’s degree!

Within the Bachelor’s degree at the Paris-Saclay University, the general courses (“Fundamentals of Animal Physiology” or “Cellular and Developmental Biology”) will provide you with the foundation you will need to study neuroscience, and you will be able to deepen your knowledge in this discipline by choosing courses from a large number of electives.

  • 1st year (L1): The brain in everyday life; Developing organisms; Ethology – Animal behaviour in the natural environment
  • 2nd year (L2) : Neuroscience and cognitive pathologies
  • 3rd year (L3) (programs in Health Biology or Organismal Biology and Ecology): Physiology of Endocrine Regulation and Neuroscience; Animal Behavior: theoretical and practical studies in various models

Contact at NeuroPSI : Morgane Locker

Before to settle on your Master’s degree, come and see if you are interested in Neuroscience by joining a NeuroPSI team for an internship that is part of your study program or that is “spontaneous”.


You wish to specialize in Neuroscience? Chose for the Master’s program in Health Biology!

Health Biology Master’s program is part of the “Graduate programs” that can prepare you to join one of the NeuroPSI teams.

The list of M1 and M2 programs proposed below is not exhaustive.


In M1, you will be able to choose a major specialisation and several elective courses that will constitute your minor.

Examples of programs offered on the Orsay, Evry and Versailles campuses of the University of Paris-Saclay:

Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology (GBMC)
Contact at NeuroPSI: Laurent Théodore

Physiology and PhysioPathology (3P)
Contact at NeuroPSI: Micaela Galante

International Track in France (ITF)
Contact at NeuroPSI: Odile Bronchain

Topics in neuroscience offered in M1 programs:

  • Cellular and molecular neurobiology
  • Biology of behavior
  • Introduction to neuroscience
  • Technologies of neuroscience
  • Neurobiology of emotions and decision making (only in English)
  • Neurobiology of integrated systems (only in English)
  • Neurophysiopathologies


Three international M2 programs will permit you to focus on Neuroscience and to join NeuroPSI.

If you wish to pursue your study in neurodevelopment, this M2 offers training in Cell Biology, Genetics, Epigenetics, Stem Cell Biology, Cancer Biology and Development.

Contact at NeuroPSI: Caroline Borday

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This M2 will allow you to learn about concepts, technological achievements, methodological approaches and research challenges in the complementary fields of Cellular Signalling and Integrative Neuroscience.

Contact at NeuroPSI: Sylvie Granon

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This M2 program addresses the topics of perception, processing and transmission of information by the brain through experimental, computational and theoretical approaches. It will allow students to acquire advanced skills in order to develop experimental and simulation methodologies and technological and computational tools in the following fields: cognitive and functional stimulation, brain-machine interface, neuromorphic computation, modeling and processing of neural signals, modeling and analysis of neural networks, neuro-inspired learning etc. It is open to students coming from a wide range of backgrounds such as Life Sciences, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Science.

Contact at NeuroPSI: Sabir Jacquir

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