Sylvie Rétaux, the all-terrain biologist
For the past 20 years, this specialist in developmental and evolutionary biology has been passionately dedicated to studying a small fish that lives in the waters of Central America.
For the past 20 years, this specialist in developmental and evolutionary biology has been passionately dedicated to studying a small fish that lives in the waters of Central America.
Meet researchers who have received funding from Unadev (Union Nationale des Aveugles et Déficients Visuels) as part of the call "Vision diseases: origins and treatments".
Marine turtles were considered as mute under water.
Muriel Perron and Jérôme Roger present the CERTO (Center for Eye Research and Therapy in Ophthalmology), Retina France's laboratory at NeuroPSI, which combines fundamental and therapeutic research
Patrick Pla will participate from Monday 12 to Friday 16 July in "La Bio au Labo" to talk about the profession of Research Associate. To be followed on the Twitter account @laBioauLabo
Luc Estebanez talks about research progresses on human-machine interactions.
Final of "My Thesis in 180s" of the University Paris Saclay, 2021 edition.
The change of habitat of "Astyanax mexicanus" induced changes in behavior but also the loss of vision to develop the sense of smell.