Group leader: Gilles Bonvento

Metabolic Interactions between Neurons and Astrocytes

In brief

New team joining the NeuroPSI Institute by summer 2024

The learning of new information and the short- and long-term storage of these acquisitions require a cascade of events that are energy-intensive for brain cells. In addition to neurons, astrocytes coordinate the molecular mechanisms regulating learning, memory and energy metabolism (Bolanos and Bonvento, Cell Metabolism 2021). The team’s project aims to study the interactions between the metabolic and signaling properties of astrocytes, and how these two properties integrate to enable cognitive tasks. The medium-term objective is to determine whether and how alterations in these metabolic and signaling processes (1) contribute to age-related memory loss, (2) explain the trajectory of cognitive decline in individuals and (3) could represent an effective prevention target.