Travailler dans un laboratoire est le meilleur moyen de savoir si les métiers de la recherche sont faits pour vous !
NeuroPSI offre une palette large de thématiques pour assouvir votre curiosité et vos envies de progresser dans votre projet professionnel.
Un comité stage composé d’un membre de chaque département Alexis Faure (Neurosciences Cognitives et des Réseaux), Marc Pananceau (Neurosciences Intégratives et Computationnelles) et Patrick Pla (Développement, Évolution et Signalisation Cellulaires) est :
- à la disposition des chercheurs pour la diffusion des annonces de stage,
- à la disposition des étudiants pour diffuser leur candidature et
- à la disposition des stagiaires pour les aider dans leurs démarches administratives.
Stages de Master
Level: Master 2
Cognition, Plasticity and Neuropathologies team, Valérie ENDERLIN & Cyrille VAILLEND
The team « Cognition, Plasticity and Neuropathologies » directed by Cyrille Vaillend is looking for a Master 2 candidate willing to carry out his/her internship in 2025 on a topic centered on the characterization of the molecular mechanisms underlying the cognitive and behavioral deficits reported in dystrophin-deficient mouse models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a severe neurodevelopmental disorder. This internship will aim to identify hippocampal genes which expression is strongly deregulated by the cumulative loss of several brain dystrophins, in order to characterize biomarkers of the brain-related defects in this disease. To this end, the student will perform (1) bioinformatics analysis of proteomes to explore the mechanisms and signalling pathways selectively affected by the loss brain dystrophins and (2) biochemical analysis including western blotting to validate expression of differentially expressed proteins, supplemented by immunohistochemistry and confocal imaging to specify the affected cell types. This project represents a crucial step towards a better understanding of the neurobiological basis of DMD, essential for the evaluation and development of therapeutic strategies.
Internship duration: 6 months
Level: M2
Laboratory and host team: NeuroPSI – Paris Saclay Institute of Neuroscience, cognition, plasticity & Neuropathologies (CNRS UMR 9197)- Head of the host team: Cyrille Vaillend
Supervisor: roseline poirier
Coffin-Lowry syndrome (CLS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by intellectual disability. To date, there is no preventive or curative treatment for this syndrome. CLS is caused by mutations in the Rsk2 gene, which encodes the RSK2 protein kinase. RSK2 acts at the end of the ERK/MAPK signaling pathway and also regulates this pathway via negative feedback. In our team, we have begun to characterize the role of RSK2 in brain development during the postnatal period. Using a mouse model of SCL (Rsk2-KO mice), we have demonstrated transient secondary microcephaly, appearing as early as 14 days of age (P14), associated with cellular defects in hippocampal and cerebellar development. We also identified a transient delay in sensorimotor development and cognitive alterations. Our results also revealed that the absence of RSK2 leads to over-activation of the ERK/MAPK pathway as early as P14. Thus, the absence of RSK2 alters the timing of certain developmental processes, which could explain the delayed brain development and associated cognitive deficits. In this project, we will deepen the identification of altered cellular and molecular mechanisms in the hippocampus and cerebellum in mouse CLS model during the postnatal period. We will also assess, for the first time, a therapeutic approach administered as early as possible in the postnatal period, to rescue ERK over-activation. Based on the literature on therapeutic strategies used in RASopathies (other neurodevelopmental pathologies characterized by intellectual disability), we will use inhibitors known to down-regulate P-ERK during the early postnatal period. Ultimately, we will assess whether the pharmacological treatment, combined or not with enriched environmental conditions, corrects the development and function of the hippocampus and cerebellum and, consequently, prevents or compensates for the emergence of sensory-motor, behavioral and cognitive deficits in the SCL mouse model.
The student will develop behavioral paradigms and new analyses based on the existing set ups in the lab (automated video-tracking, automated behavioral detection, quantitative behavioral analysis), by using both his/her ideas and existing protocols in the literature. This internship is also an opportunity to discover the Drosophila model, learn its advantages and other techniques used in the lab from Drosophula genetics to connectomics and functional imaging. The candidate will work in the team Neural Circuits and Behavior headed by Tihana Jovanic in Saclay (20 km south of Paris). NeuroPSI has state-of the art core facilities and the Saclay campus provides a highly interdisciplinary and collaborative environment mixing university and engineering schools, with excellent laboratories in fundamental and applied science. There will also be opprotunities for collaboration with the Janelia Research Campus (USA) and Institut Pasteur (Paris, France).
How do closely related neuron types establish and then maintain their functional differences? And, how do genetic programs differ between individuals to create unique brains? Our team investigates these questions by studying how colour photoreceptor neurons in the retina acquire (during development) and maintain (throughout their adult life) their different colour sensitivities, and how natural genetic variation affects these processes in the wild populations. The internship projects will address specific questions within this broad scientific program and will be designed in consultation with the student to reflect his or her interests and goals. The student will use Drosophila genetics, immunohistochemistry, RNAscope-based in situ hybridization, confocal microscopy, and molecular biology. More detailed descriptions of two potential projects are in the following pdf.
Internship duration: 2 months or longer
Level: Master (1 or 2)
Neural Circuits & Behavior team, headed by Tihan Jovanic.
Genomic variations, accumulated through mutation, reproduction, and evolution, can contribute to robust differences in the behavior of an animal compared to its peers. Associating specific genomic variations with behavioral changes is difficult due to multi-dimensionality and complexity of behavioral measurement as well as the vast number of genomic variations present. To elucidate the connection between genes and behavior, we use tens of thousands of Drosophila melanogaster larvae with sequenced genomes to assess how certain single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can influence variation in decision making upon an inducted stimulus. Currently we have raw behavioral data from more than 100 genotypes of D. melanogaster, including wild type lines as well as Alzheimer’s disease-related genotypes. We are looking for an organized, detail-oriented, and motivated student with a background in computational biology, mathematics, statistics, or bioinformatics to analyze the data. The student will use existing scripts and programs to process the raw data, extract behavioral features, compare features between genotypes, associate certain features to SNPs using genome wide association studies (GWAS), and present the results in publication-ready visualizations. The student will ensure that all data are processed and analyzed in a clear, streamlined, and reproducible manner. This internship is a great opportunity for those interested in a career in Data Science.
Essential skills:
- Understanding of linear algebra and multi-dimensional datasets
- Python (mainly numpy, pandas, matplotlib packages) or MATLAB programming language
- Effective communication in English
- Basic understanding of machine learning principles and utilization of ML-related Python packages such as sklearn, pytorch, or tensorflow
- Experience with cluster-based computing on Linux systems (bash)
- Experience working with GitHub repositories
Stages de licence
The student will develop behavioral paradigms and new analyses based on the existing set ups in the lab (automated video-tracking, automated behavioral detection, quantitative behavioral analysis), by using both his/her ideas and existing protocols in the literature. This internship is also an opportunity to discover the Drosophila model, learn its advantages and other techniques used in the lab from Drosophula genetics to connectomics and functional imaging. The candidate will work in the team Neural Circuits and Behavior headed by Tihana Jovanic in Saclay (20 km south of Paris). NeuroPSI has state-of the art core facilities and the Saclay campus provides a highly interdisciplinary and collaborative environment mixing university and engineering schools, with excellent laboratories in fundamental and applied science. There will also be opprotunities for collaboration with the Janelia Research Campus (USA) and Institut Pasteur (Paris, France).
How do closely related neuron types establish and then maintain their functional differences? And, how do genetic programs differ between individuals to create unique brains? Our team investigates these questions by studying how colour photoreceptor neurons in the retina acquire (during development) and maintain (throughout their adult life) their different colour sensitivities, and how natural genetic variation affects these processes in the wild populations. The internship projects will address specific questions within this broad scientific program and will be designed in consultation with the student to reflect his or her interests and goals. The student will use Drosophila genetics, immunohistochemistry, RNAscope-based in situ hybridization, confocal microscopy, and molecular biology. More detailed descriptions of two potential projects are in the following pdf.
Level: Master (1 or 2)
Neural Circuits & Behavior team, headed by Tihan Jovanic.
Genomic variations, accumulated through mutation, reproduction, and evolution, can contribute to robust differences in the behavior of an animal compared to its peers. Associating specific genomic variations with behavioral changes is difficult due to multi-dimensionality and complexity of behavioral measurement as well as the vast number of genomic variations present. To elucidate the connection between genes and behavior, we use tens of thousands of Drosophila melanogaster larvae with sequenced genomes to assess how certain single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can influence variation in decision making upon an inducted stimulus. Currently we have raw behavioral data from more than 100 genotypes of D. melanogaster, including wild type lines as well as Alzheimer’s disease-related genotypes. We are looking for an organized, detail-oriented, and motivated student with a background in computational biology, mathematics, statistics, or bioinformatics to analyze the data. The student will use existing scripts and programs to process the raw data, extract behavioral features, compare features between genotypes, associate certain features to SNPs using genome wide association studies (GWAS), and present the results in publication-ready visualizations. The student will ensure that all data are processed and analyzed in a clear, streamlined, and reproducible manner. This internship is a great opportunity for those interested in a career in Data Science.
Essential skills:
- Understanding of linear algebra and multi-dimensional datasets
- Python (mainly numpy, pandas, matplotlib packages) or MATLAB programming language
- Effective communication in English
- Basic understanding of machine learning principles and utilization of ML-related Python packages such as sklearn, pytorch, or tensorflow
- Experience with cluster-based computing on Linux systems (bash)
- Experience working with GitHub repositories
Si vous souhaitez envoyer une candidature spontanée pour un stage à NeuroPSI, veuillez contacter par e-mail le service des Ressources Humaines : rh-stages[at]